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320I Will Not Let T...
Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:28 pm
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Here are where the magical beings known as "rules" and "guides" live. Beware and take heed of them, lest these mystical beasts summon fearsome creatures known as "mods" and "admins" to devour you.
Informative Guides, System Guides
1726Rare Pokemon
Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:29 pm
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This is where we post new events. Be it a plot event, or OoC events, Come here to check out the events of the here and now, and the bye and gone, and possibly even ideas for the future. At any rate, come here at least to see if you can win prizes.
Grand Opening Spam
16702Grand Opening Di...
Sun Dec 15, 2013 6:13 pm
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751Computer Problem...
Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:35 am
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1230I'm not very goo...
Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:48 pm
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Character Creation

Here is where you make your characters, and where the approved characters currently in use reside.
Approved Poke-Morph Characters, Approved Pokemon Characters, Approved Humans
3292Paz The Black Yi...
Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:20 pm
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Custom Pokemon

Ever get annoyed that they forget to evolve some pokemon? Or you have this great idea for a type they never used, like Water/Fire. Or perhaps you just need the right pokemon for your character, and the games just don't have something close. Here you can create your own pokemon.
Approved Pokemon
936Lapradon {Done}...
Thu May 01, 2014 9:21 am
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Item Creation

Here is where items are created. All manner of items can be created, and special items are the main ways humans compete with pokemorphs.
Approved Items, Approved Moves, Item Mall
2553Fire Saw Move
Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:54 am
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Topic Submissions

Here is where topics are submitted, for experience or to catch a pokemon.
Finished Submissions
57Savannah Meeting...
Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:46 pm
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Missions vary greatly. Some are for military trainers, some for any trainer, and some have nothing to do with training, but are for pokemon characters. Check here for information.
Approved Missions
612What's a Battle ...
Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:52 pm
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Make a topic here to record the changes in your character, new pokemon captured, new ranks obtained, people you have rp'd with, topics you have rp'd in, and more.
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RP Request

Post here to request an RP, with either a certain race, in a certain city, etc.
Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:22 pm
Sovuru View latest post
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Apex City

Apex city is the largest city in Apexia. It is nearly surrounded by the vast "Peac Sea." which surrounds 80 percent of the city, keeping it very well protected from land attacks, with only 20% of the city ending in land. This city has thus far managed to stay entirely neutral, having a sizable military force. This city is also wear the largest known stadium is, where tournaments and events are hosted many times a year, including where the elite 4 and champion reside. Due to the cities neutrality, both humans and poke-morphs are welcome. However, despite the neutrality, other cities/nations have a strong desire for the city, due to it's vast wealth of resources, such as the world's largest gold deposit, which lays in it's territory. Win, and you leave with the balance badge.
Balance Gym, Grand Arena
216Kazuma's Departu...
Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:47 am
Kazuma Yagami View latest post
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Peac Sea

The Peac sea is a lake so large that it is simply known as a freshwater sea. It's one of the reasons Apexia is a prime target for attack, as the beaches near the city are a prime tourist spot. The beaches further along the lake, away from the city, are home to many pokemon, and this helps make the lake and it's immediate surroundings a hot bed for pokemon trainers (of either race).
115Ralts and Pequen...
Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:14 pm
Kirin View latest post
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Salis Town

Salis Town is a resort town, filled with hotels, restaurants, and with the most popular and famous beaches on the Peac Sea. This town is also the holder of the water-type gym. This city is built upon an old, dormant caldera. As such, it has geysers all over, which only makes it more famous. If you want to relax, or swim in a popular beach, Salis Town is the place to go!
Spray Gym
11Gira...being him...
Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:16 pm
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The great Apexian grasslands are a sight to behold, and take up most of Apexia's territory. It is filled with all kinds of grass pokemon, and more. The small forests that dot the grasslands harbor even more diverse pokemon. These grasslands are known to have large herds of hooved pokemon like stantler and go-goat, but the variety of normal, poison, and grass type pokemon is great. near it's borders with Lake Peac, water pokemon are not uncommon.
239Rivals Meet! Say...
Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:55 pm
Festus View latest post
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This down was once, and not at all long ago, very flourishing. However since the arrival of the morphs, and all the racism and war, a large part of the town, about a third, ran off to Apex City for protection. The town was always known for ghost pokemon, but now as many abandoned houses have arose, this down has become filled with ghost pokemon, as well as psychic and dark types. Just roaming an abandomed neighborhood will give proof to how many of such types dwell here. This city is home to a gym, which utilizes ghost pokemon, as well as the occasional dark or psychich type if they match the spooky manner of the gym.
Orancia Gym, Abandoned Neighborhoods
150Orancia is No Pl...
Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:24 am
Yamu View latest post
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Mt. Terris

Near the city of Volcan, there resides a large volcano, which is in a half-dormant state, often oozing forth lava, from the sides or near the bottom of the volcano. Large fields where the ground is volcanic rock with little top soil, in most areas none at all. These fields and the volcano itself attract fire pokemon of all kinds. This is the only mountain, let alone volcano, on the Grand Plateau.
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This town rests on a large lava flow, meaning all the ground in the town is black volcanic rock. The reason it has not been destroyed is a diligent team that uses pokemon to cool any new lava flows in or near the town. It was destroyed once by a huge eruption, but was rebuilt quickly. In this city lies the gym containing the "Eruption Badge." And the city is full of fire, ground, and rock type pokemon.
Volcano Gym
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Novia is the capital city of Spira. This nation is made up nearly entirely of poke-morphs of all flavors, as well as those humans could live alone side them. Many of these are friends and family of those who became poke-morphs, and, seeing their friend or family member be shunned, have decided to leave their former homes with them. This city sits next to the ocean, and has an amazing view, and access to all forms of sea-based water pokemon, and many city dwelling types as well.
Sea Gym
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Fire Swamp

This odd swamp is flooded with water constantly. And despite that, there exists this odd co-existence with fire. These swamps are set on a large caldera, a chamber of magma under the ground. Small vents can shoot flames up to 30 feet high, or else hazardous gasses. This place is considered dangerous if you don't pay attention. However many trainers brave this danger, because it is filled to the brim with an odd mix of grass, fire, poison, fire, and many types of pokemon. Crocodile based pokemon are common as well. This is one of the best places in the world to capture exotic pokemon. Only 1 other area in the world matches this place in terms of exotic pokemon and danger, and that is some of the dead islands.
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Lacrimosa is set in a large island in the middle of the fire swamp. There are a few marked safe passages in and out of the city. This town is rather small, and yet ripe with trainers come for the rare and diverse pokemon the fire swamp has in it's reach. It's gym, is near the center. As it is so difficult to safely get to in large numbers, it is a very secure. Few would attack this city, for fear of getting lost in the fire swamp.
Lacrimosa Gym
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Thunder Plains

This area is in a constant influx of thunderstorms. The Thunder Plains are fairly level, but for some reason receive an unusually high amount of lightning strikes. Just to reach the city in these plains, large towers have been erected, which serve as great lightning rods. Staying near these towers when traveling in this land can be helpfull. While people themselves do not get hurt every day, it isn't rare. These plains are filled to the brim with electric pokemon. This is the only area other than Mt. Terris, where flying pokemon can't be found, as there is no food for them on Mt. Terris, and here, they get electrocuted every time they attempt to fly. These plains also harbor many other types, however, besides the dominant electric types.
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Nakir is a large city, and the largest other than the capital. Due to constant electrical energy, this city is said to be the birth place of modern technology. It has all manner of machines and electrical gadgets. Because it is open to all, pokemorphs and humans, provided they keep the peace and neutrality of the village, anyone can stay. And this is why it has grown such, as well as the fact that there are no electricity bills because of the abundance of free electricity. The electrical companies just broke down and made services free, only charging for repairing any poles that get knocked down and such. After all, the people could get their own lightning-rods, and thus get free power anyway right?
Lightning Gym
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Mount Mi'hin

Mt. Mi-ihen is a gently sloping grassland mountain, with small forests commonly scattered around. Oddly enough, by some quirk of fate, the environment and pokemon found differ greatly from side to side.
Eastern Mi-ihen, Western Mi-ihen
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Pokemorph Zoo

The "Morph Zoo" is a huge zoo which stretches on for miles. The largest zoo in the world, it features both pokemon and pokemorphs. Normal, decent human folk can pay money to come see all the unique freaks, known as Pokemorphs, in their rightful, natural setting. Watch the dragonair morph swim around in a natural-looking pool, with glass at one end for visibility. Perhaps view the butterfree morph fluttering around in the insect area. The zoo is located between Saphos and Gemis.
Aquatic Habitat, Grassland Habitat, Cave Habitat, Bird Habitat, Mountain Habitat
316In The Petting Z...
Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:06 pm
Isaac View latest post
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Gemis is a city build into "Jewel Mountain," it is the only capital city to not be on some form of shore or beach, and thus the only capital city to lack a port or harbor. This city also has perhaps the most unique architecture, as it is build in levels into the mountain itself. Each level gets smaller as they go up, at the bottom being the stores and industry, the next level, residential, and the final level is where the building of the government are, as well as the wealthiest of homes, and the biggest of businesses. Going up and down levels are easy, as one merely has to take one of the many elevators built into the mountain itself. The gym is set behind the lowest level, through a tunnel. The gym is entirely underground.
Gemis Gym, ToroMaki Mansion
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Jewel Mountain

This large mountain is known to harbor Rathia's capital city, Gemis. The mountain get's it's name from glowing crystals which protrude from it's rocks all over it's caves, and less so above ground. This harbors ground, rock, and steel type pokemon in abundance.
342Living in the co...
Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:08 pm
Tatsu View latest post
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Mt. Avis

This odd mountain was a former volcano, which has lost it's volcanic status. This gently sloping mountain is covered in forest, and at the very top is a vast crater left by a massive eruption from thousands of years ago. It is filled with thick forest. Inside this forested crater is a small town and gym.
238A Toromaki and a...
Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:12 pm
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This small town is set inside the crater in Mt. Avis. this isolated town is far more peaceful and accepting of pokemorphs than the other cites in Rathia. As such, it is the only city open to them and that includes the gym. However not many morphs go here, as getting to this peaceful town is itself difficult, as to get here you must go through less open and accepting places. Once there, however, one finds a happy and content, if isolated, people.
Crater Gym
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Saphos is a large city which sits on a huge hill just beside Mt. Avis. On one side is the forests of the mountain, and not far from the opposite side, the grasses thin as the desert approaches. This city boasts only pokemon that commonly live in large cities. This city is highly Anti-Pokemorph, and will kick anyone out who gets to the actual city. Beats and ousting of morphs are common here.
Sapphire Gym
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Arrakis Desert

This is a huge desert just south of Saphos. Due to a line of high hills, and some mountain ranges, rain to this land is largely blocked off. As a result, this land has become a desert, with nothing but rocks and sand. Very few plants other than the hardiest and most water-conserving live here. Ground and cactus pokemon fare well here, as well as any thoers who can survive these conditions. It is very hot in the day, and just as cold at night.
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Arrakeen is a small city situated in the desert. It is built around one of the few oasis in the desert. Due to the rugged and harsh environment, water is a valuable commodity, and little is wasted. It is often a place of rest for those crossing the desert or else looking for pokemon native to desert regions.
Arrakis Gym
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The World

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At Sea

The Airian Sea is between Apexia and Rathia, at the foot of Jewel Mountain. Gemis has a port there and it narrows to a channel before meeting the ocean. The Vapory Ocean is the biggest ocean. It was named after a group of Vaporeon found near it's banks. It holds the continent of Spira, so named for the nation that resides there. This continent is set in the middle of Vapory Ocean. The ocean dividing it from the nations of Apexia and Rathia.
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The Dead Islands

These islands are off in the middle of no where. They were used for shipping purposes long ago, but then they were ran off by all manner of things, including a series of brutal storms. Now they are a hot bed for piracy. These islands are many and some are near one another, some are nearly touching, and some you can't see any others on the horizon. The types are many. Several are jungle and filled with pokemon that would live there. Many are small rocky islands filled with rock, ground, water, and other such pokemon. A few are largely small grasslands. In short, the islands are very diverse, and are said to hold some of the most exotic pokemon. The only rivaling area being the fire swamps of Spira. The catch? The tides are feirce and storms come seemingly at random and without signs. This is no place easy to get to, at least not the more exotic islands. Inexperienced boaters should not even try to land a ship on some of these islands.
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This small city is on the largest of the Dead Islands. It is the biggest hot bed for piracy in the world. Full of seedy bars and anything a pirate might need. If you live here, you are probably not an innocent civilian. If you are a pirate, get here and get some drinks in you! Thief? Just as good, have a drink! Murderer? Well...if you don't mind doing a job for someone, sit down and have a pint. Law man? You will probably be assassinated. This place has no cares about human, morph, or pokemon. If you are a morph, you are just as welcome assuming you are still of use.
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Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:11 am
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Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:39 pm
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